Hohner accordions

Have you ever dreamed of something your entire life not thinking it would ever happen? Perhaps it was making the winning play for your favorite sports team. Maybe it was winning the lotto and fantasizing what you would do with all that money. I’m sure you have. I, too, have had outlandish dreams…or so I thought. Is it considered “outlandish” if it comes true?


When I first touched an accordion, I picked up a Hohner. My uncle Beaver, who is a musician, singer, and songwriter, had an old Corona II and let me have at it. I can still remember the smell of the case; a combination of bar smoke, burnt bark, and leather. As I tried to play it, I felt this sense of attainment. It was like a young wizard finding the perfect wand, or a ninja finding the perfect sword. I still couldn’t play the thing to save my life, but I knew in my heart I would harness the wielding power of this amazing instrument soon enough.

Fast forward to my days in high school. By this time, I had my very own Hohner and was playing with local bands. My mother told me stories of how she would remove my accordion and put it away for me since I would fall asleep with it on in my bedroom. I loved my box so much, I would tell people I was sponsored by Hohner. Of course, no one believed me, but I continued to fib as it became a running joke.

There are many memories that have been made since that time. This week, however, will be one for the books! I’m happy to publicly announce that I am officially part of the Hohner family. To say this is a dream come true is the understatement of the year. I have put my trust in Hohner since day one and I couldn’t be happier that I did so. I will be heading to Nashville, Tennessee to visit their headquarters on Thursday. I’m looking forward to meeting the staff and playing every Hohner accordion within arms reach.

I could go on and on thanking all the individuals and groups who’ve helped me along the way, but if I did, I’d type until my fingers fell off. I’m sure you’d agree that wouldn’t be good for my profession. Instead, I’ll just say this:

To all who have supported me, and you know who you are, I can’t begin to tell you how much it means to me. Yes, my passion for music pointed me towards some outlandish goals, but I recognize that I could never have accomplished any of them without your help. With your love and support, I’m certain I can accomplish anything. I know this to be true since I’m psychic, apparently. Just ask my younger self. He totally called it!