
Originally posted on Facebook

When I was a kid, I loved to smile. I'd smile for pictures. I'd smile at girls. No matter the case, I was always smiling. Then a tooth fell out. Then another. And another. Being born in September, I was the oldest in my class and went through this before anyone else.

If you think the gaps phased me, you're mistaken. I still smiled. Naturally, new teeth began to grow in their place. Holy moly, did these teeth look huge! I was short and scrawny making the contrast more harsh. I was called names like, "Bugs Bunny", and "Bucky".

I could feel a frown coming from hurt feelings, but like water off a duck's back, I'd shake it off and smiled away. This balancing act of emotions continued into High School. My skin was pretty thick at this point. I smiled until my cheeks were sore, despite the hurtful comments.

Next, life was cruel enough to grant opportunities in my pursuit of a career in music. Surely, my smile would be out of control. After many shows, rough patches, and benchmarks, I found myself playing my squeezebox on the biggest stage and touring the world.

It's difficult to put into words what I have gained through it all. Plus, it would make this an incredibly long read. However, it's what I lost that is more shocking. I realized that my insecurity of an overgrown smile had vanished. Wait! What?! Not only that, my smile was now being complimented.

When did my smile become an asset? Here I was chasing my dreams despite an inconvenient restraint only to realize that it has slowly morphed into a propeller. It's not the shift that's impressive, but rather, the fact that I was so invested towards my goals that I didn't even bother to notice.

In retrospect, my handling of the name calling did more than just toughen my skin. It shaped my mindset to focus on the things I was able to control and dismiss the frivolous attacks of others.

So, like the kid with perfect baby teeth, my smile is back to being as carefree as can be. The difference is that, now, my smile serves two purposes. One is to represent the superiority of positivity over negativity. The second...well, just to show the world how freaking happy I am.

Hard work, cool attitude, perseverance, these things aren't easy in most circumstances, but are essential to success and happiness. It's as plain as the smile on my face.